Thursday, February 12, 2015

How I Work

Everyone has a process they use to get things done.
Ever since I really started focusing on Amy's Monkeys I have adjusted 
how I go about getting the most out of my limited amount of time.  
I don't have all day to get things done, so the time I have must be used efficiently.

I really embrace the Henry Ford assembly line philosophy.

I have a few steps I use to keep things going smoothly and as organized as possible.
This is how I piece together my zipper pouches.
First, I pair all the fabrics for my creations...seriously the most fun part of creating!

Then, I iron, measure, and cut all the combinations and interfacing.
Next, I iron all the interfacing onto the outside prints. 


After that, it's all about the ruffles!

Now, it's time to get the ruffles and tags attached.

Show time...
zipper, iron, top stitch, repeat, stitch all around, add gusset, flip out-side-right, 
stitch closed, smile at the new zipper pouch!

 Rinse and repeat until your to-do pile is gone and your product pile is overflowing!

Assembly line production has really streamlined how I get things done!

It's all about tackling projects in chunks.  Feeling that sense of accomplishment helps 
keep you going when you're tired and just want to quit!  
Trust me I know that feeling!

I'm not sure my process will help anyone, but it really does make a huge difference!

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